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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
BillR Lyr Req: Vancouver Bound (6) Lyr Add: ONE MORE PULL 15 Nov 00

Melani, thank you (and Sara) for the lyrics. Yes, I'm the BillR you're thinking of, I've started hanging out here too.

To get a line breaks you put
at the end of the lines. Here are the words with breaks added:

One More Pull

Cho: It's one more pull, and we'll be gone,
One more shift, we're going home.
We've been three weeks on MARIAH tug,
And we're all Vancouver bound.

We left Vancouver, Frisco bound,
Behind us we've two loaded scows.
We turn around and we head with ease
Into Alaskan seas.
Our engines roaring, loud and strong,
Six thousand horses, hauling tow,
We take on the Pacific gales
As northward we do go.


There's lots of work for all to do
On a West Coast tug when she's out at sea.
The deck aides (?) keep our line in tow,
And Piggy makes the food.
Black gangers keep our engine tuned
As we pull across the stormy brine.
And the skipper steers a course that's true
So we've a safe return.


It's been three weeks since I've been home,
And I wonder if the kids have grown.
It's a long and lonely life at sea
When you're on this West Coast run.
What sailors yarns I'll have to spin
Of an epic voyage, and where we've been.
"Oh tell us, won't you please, Daddy,
A story from
So I'll sit the boys down beside the fire,
And I'll sing of storms and of snapping wires,
And waves as big as any house,
And about the Tugboat's mouse.
I'll sing of whales, and mighty gales,
And trees so high they touch the sky,
And how we drag them out to sea,
And how it used to be.


It's Juan de Fuca to Georgia Straight,
On the river now, let's not be late.
We've ten days off, and it won't seem long
Till we're on the job once more.
And though the work is hard and the hours are tough,
And you're wet and you're cold when the sea is rough...
But the money's good, so damn the hours!
It's a sailor's life for me!


--Geoff Noble

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