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Owen Woodson Socialist Monologues Anyone? (27) Socialist Monologues Anyone? 27 Sep 12

It's that time of the year again when I lose my voice and can't sing for months on end. To make things worse, I belong to a radical folkclub and consider song a significant political weapon, but I have to cease contributing until I get my voice back.

It's been suggested to me that, in the interim and to keep the game alive, I try and croak my way through a few socialist monologues. The only trouble is I don't know any, and my extensive library has thrown up SBA.

If anyone out there can help, I'll be most grateful.

The subject matter doesn't have to be confined just to matters left wing of course. Anything to do with the environment, pacifism, anti-racism, republicanism etc, would probably do just fine.

Many anticipatory thanks.

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