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Owen Woodson Socialist Monologues Anyone? (27) RE: Socialist Monologues Anyone? 04 Oct 12

Thanks Warren. I'll certainly check that one out. I couldn't figure out why Rafferty and Cafferty rang bells with me. Then I remembered. Bush Traditions. Larrikin LP 007.

Leadfingers. It's not just Americans. Far too many people on this side of the puddle can't understand that socialism means nothing more or less than democratic ownership and control of the means of production, and distribution of the goods produced thereby to satisfy human needs rather than profit.

If people could at least understand that it doesn't mean Stalin and it doesn't mean Mao and it doesn't mean Russian tanks on your front lawn every time you seek a smidgeon or two of freedom, then we still might not convince people. But we could at least have a fruitful debate.

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