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Owen Woodson BS: The next Tory Government (50) RE: BS: The next Tory Government 22 Oct 12

GUEST,anonymous for obvious reasons. The present crisis wasn't caused by the previous government. Neither was it caused by this government, even though they seem hell bent on making it even worse.

We are in the teeth of a global economic crisis which was caused in no small measure by the get rich mega fast antics of a handful of bankers, and the only solution which capitalist governments can come up with is to bleed the populace with successions of austerity cuts. The effect of same is to take ever more spending power out of the economy, thus making the crisis even worse, and pushing us ever closer to the edge of a depression. Such a depression would be at least as bad as the one in the 1930s, if not worse, and from it there will be no way out; at any rate not by conventional economics.

That is why I do not think there will ever be another Tory government.

BTW. What are the obvious reasons?

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