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GUEST,an old git Folk Clubs, Greater Manchester 1960-99 (286* d) RE: Folk Clubs, Greater Manchester 1960-99 04 Jan 13

When i used to go to the one in Stevenson square in late 60s
the beggarmen agreat irisg combo used to run it.i cant remembernthe oubs name.
The one that gave me my lifelong love of folk
was run at the Hulme Evening Centre near Royce Rd.It could have been a tame affair with the only refreshment a cuppa in the interval but we had some rip roaring times with all comera having a go
and lots of encouragement frpm the guy who ran
it. amzingly Mike Harding and Rosie Hardman turned up to entertain.I rememberlovely renditions of the silkie and Calico printers clerk by a regular with his banjo.and a very happy memory of Tony Hill singing the Manchester Rambler in about 69.I still chuckle when Iremember him extending the chorus to but Iam a free man on Sunday...and Monday and Tuesday etc good old hippies.And while Im at it there was a guy who used to sing Woody Guthrie songs beautifully!Thanks

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