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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Don Wise Anyone know what happened to Jack Hudson (71* d) RE: Anyone know what happened to Jack Hudson 06 Jan 13

Oh I remember Jack from the days of Derby's 'Peasmouldia' FC- Residents The Lonesome Travellers. 'Rambling' Jack Hudson seemed to have suddenly apeared from nowhere- a couple of floor spots and the next you knew he was gigging. I've still got his 10" first LP somewhere- sold under plain white cover like a bootleg! Sometime back in the '70s I seem to rtemember depping for him at a club in Ilkeston(?). Quite how they hit on me to do the gig is lost in the mists of time but I felt it was an honour.
Keep up the good work Jack. Deserving recognition and getting the recognition you deserve is often a bugger!


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