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GUEST,John Foxen Songs for young woman - old man duo (58* d) Lyr Add: YES, SIR, YES (Sid Kipper) 15 Jan 13

Richard: Here is Mr Kipper's YES, SIR, YES as Foxen perform it. And if you manage to drag yourself over to Haverfolk as you have been threatening to do for months you can hear us perform it.
In the meantime...

[Him:] On yonder hill, there stands a creature.
Who she is I do not know.
I'll go court her for her beauty [booty].
She must answer yes or no.
[Her:] Oh! Yes, John, yes, John, yes, John, yes!

[Him:] Madam, in your face is beauty [booty].
On your bosom roses grow.
Will you let me come and pluck them?
Surely she will answer no.
[Her:] Oh! Yes, John, yes, John, yes, John, yes!

[Him:] (spoken) That's not the answer I was expecting.
[Her:] (spoken): Let me explain.

My husband is a Spanish waiter.
His English isn't very good,
So he told me when he left me:
"Always yes you answer should." [Spanish accent]
O! Si, Juan, si, Juan, siempre si.
[Him:] ¿Que?
[Her:] Oh! Yes, John, yes, John, always yes!

[Him:] Madam, I don't take your meaning.
Pray forgive me if I'm slow.
Do you mean that you mean yes or
Do you mean yes you mean no?
[Her:] Oh! Yes, John, yes, John, I mean yes!

[Him:] Now madam, you must mind your manners
If you want to hug and squeeze.
That's no good just saying, "Yes."
You have to learn to say "Yes, please."
[Her:] Oh! Yes, John, yes, John, yes, please, John!

[Him:] But madam, I have got a headache.
How that hurts I cannot say.
Would it matter if I went?
[Her:] Oh! Yes, John, yes, John, yes, it would.
[Both:] So we lay all night together
Till the crows had cocked twice o'er.
[Her:] Then I turned again towards him.
[Him:] Surely she cannot want more?
[Her:] Oh yes, John, yes, John, yes, I can.

[Him:] Madam, there is one more question,
If you do not think it rude:
Did you ever sleep more sweeter?
Was you ever better served?
[Her:] Oh! Yes, John, yes, John, a thousand times, yes.

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