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Mooh I bought a banjo today (28) RE: I bought a banjo today 07 Apr 13

Being late to the party is sort of my modus operandi, and banjo has wormed its way into my life over a period of 25 years. I dismissed the instrument as a primitive throwback until I was 30, but now, holy Remo brother, I love it.

Every so often I get to hear old Vega banjos and always love them, newer ones too. Not being able to afford such a thing, I find myself sufficiently happy with modern Gold Tones (Irish tenor, 5 string and recently a ukulele banjo). Maybe a trade up will happen...

In the meantime I'm sure I'm not alone in living vicariously through other Mudcatters.

Congratulations Kendall.

Peace, Mooh.

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