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AKS Lyr Req: Karelian folk song: orphan boy's revenge (71* d) RE: Lyr Req: Karelian folk song: orphan boy's revenge 23 Apr 13

Now please, be patient, folks! Translating – even briefly – is not just putting words after one another, I am working on it! ;-)

naulemmisii (now, let me see):
Karelia / Karjala, explained
Kaleva, could refer to person, but mostly used as a place name, meaning the same as Kalevala, where the ending -la makes it mean place, bigger or smaller, like Karja-la.
Kalova, no such thing! One has to be careful with Finnish vowels, even the unstressed ones are 'fully voiced' and carry meaning (unlike the English ones that only are to fill the space between consonants :-)
Kullervo, a male first name, still in use, might have something in common with kulta 'gold'.


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