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Wavestar BS: 'Liberal media'? (88* d) RE: BS: 'Liberal media'? 03 Dec 00

I'll confess now that I haven't read the entire thread, but I wanted to offer this - for anyone looking for sensible, non partisan reporting on issues throughout the US, and (*gasp*) the rest of the world as well, _The Christian Science Monitor_ is honestly the best English language international newspaper I've ever seen, and gets awards for it. It isn't conservative, or liberal. It doesn't only give the bad news. It doesn't cover just one side of the story. And despite the Christian in the name, there is only one religiously oriented article in each daily paper, and it's small. It is dedicated to the avoidance of yellow journalism and falling standards, not the support of any agendas.

It's available in Britain too, but only as the weekly international version.


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