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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
blt Old Folkers (44) RE: Old Folkers 03 Dec 00

I came acrosss this thread by accident (if there are such things as accidents); I am 49, have spent my entire life loving, leaving, searching for, returning to my guitar, and to singing. There are times when I've thought that all the other folkies were always somewhere else, like elves playing in the distance who disappeared whenever I came near. I have moved so many times, back and forth across the USA, each time looking for a connection through folk music, and sometimes I knew it when I found it and sometimes I didn't. It's that old story of the truth coming to knock on my door and I tell it, in some annoyance, to go away because I'm busy looking for the truth. As I age, I plan to surround myself with music, dance, and song--to avoid these gifts out of some fear that I'm too old, the music too un-hip, or (even worse) too silly will only disable me. I am a dance/movement therapist working with young children and adolescents, as well as adults, in crisis and I can assure anyone that the healing power of music and dance is ageless.

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