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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Bert Tech: Building a Website? (14) RE: Tech: Building a Website? 08 May 13

I use Startlogic. Costs around 100 bucks a year.

Unlimited storage, emails, and I think domain names.

Good 24/7 phone support.

Their file manager is a little bit clunky but not too bad. You can always use ftp if you have a lot of files to move.

Free bulletin board.

Their free shopping cart had limited number of items when I tried it a couple of years ago, but they may have a better one now, or you could write your own.

Build your website on your own machine first. Use plain html, avoid proprietary web building services and templates.

If you see a website that you like, you can use HtTrack to "borrow" it but it won't get any secial programming.

Take a look at myy website, feel free to use anything that you like from it.

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