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Mooh BS: Trailer Tent. Anyone used one? (52* d) RE: BS: Trailer Tent. Anyone used one? 21 Jun 13

We put thousands of miles on a Coleman tent trailer, and for most of ten or twelve years it was used for at least 3 months. We left it up in the yard for the times it wasn't used camping. Not a single leak, no flat tires, 2 bearing replacements (small, and lots of heat). It withstood a wicked wind storm on Cape Breton Island a decade ago, but didn't survive a tornado here at home 2 years ago and was written off by our insurance company. It was simple and easy to erect with one hand (minds out of the gutter please), towed easily behind a minivan or small SUV, and I could carry a canoe on top with ease. I dearly miss the thing, insurance didn't cover enough to replace it. We used it as a guest house, extra bedroom, temporary storage room, kid's playhouse, and it seemed to be a favourite hide out of the dogs too.

Inexpensive (we bought ours used), cheap to maintain, comfortable and practical.

Peace, Mooh.

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