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GUEST,Greg Phil Ochs - ever see him perform? (62* d) RE: Phil Ochs - ever see him perform? 16 Aug 13

Nice to see this thread come alive after so many years of dormancy. Phil is timeless so no surprise but still …

I sent the DVD doc There But For Fortune to my antiwar activist buddy from the late 60's. When drafted he found a way out; I didn't. Our separate reasons. But his organizing had made an impression on me. He worked with Joan Baez in Austin. Has a high regard for Phil, both in music and life-goals. He continues the causes in NYC full-time.

I was out for the Perseid meteors on Monday morning. Had the fairly recent Early Years CD playing in the car. That version of Pleasures is wonderful, at Newport in 1966, before the song became well-known. No audience reaction until the end. Perfect stuff for watching the meteors from this shoreline site.

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