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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Animaterra Vocal strain prevention (17) Vocal strain prevention 21 Aug 98

As suggested in another thread, here are some ideas. I'd love to hear what helps others. As a singer and full-time music teacher, this has been a problem for most of my career. The best help I ever got was not from a singing teacher, but from a speech therapist. Here are some tips that keep me vocal:

-Learn to breath from your diaphragm (lower abdomen)- I tell the kiddos to breath from your bellybutton! Never start a song without a good deep breath and keep breathing!! - Imagine the sound coming out of the top of your head. Your throat is important, but you have no control over what happens there. Relax! - Breathe - Keep your spine straight, your shoulders relaxed. -Keep breathing - Smile, or if the song isn't happy, lift the cheekbones a little; it helps project the voice into the resonating chambers, or "loft". Good singers have resonance where their brains ought to be! -Don't forget to breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!

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