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blt When does 'acoustic' become 'electric'? (60* d) RE: When does 'acoustic' become 'electric'? 13 Dec 00

I tossed around the idea of having a pick-up put into my 1974 Martin D-28 but in the end, I gave up. There just wasn't any way to make the Martin sound better (or even decent) through a pick-up. I've played through a mike for years or I've chosen to play in small enough cafes where a PA of any sort was meaningless. When I was doing a lot of open mikes, I was impressed by the fact that most every guitarist would plug in (which, in my misplaced desire to fit in, is why I thought I needed a pickup), and then the sound guy would go crazy trying to make the sound palatable. I think there can be a judgement made that playing without a pick-up is somehow less "professional," which is only useful if one is worried about that sort of thing. For me, that gets in the way of simply standing on stage and playing, singing. I love the sound of my guitar and want others to hear it as it is, not as a pick-up manufacturer would like it to sound. Maybe that's my definition of the difference between acoustic and electric.

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