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GUEST,nomajj 'Billy Reill(e)y' - a neglected gem (11) 'Billy Reill(e)y' - a neglected gem 30 Sep 13

Ah! listen to this:

Why hasn't this song become a classic? Why isn't it done to death in tourist bars? Why do we never hear it on radio play lists, even on programmes devoted to obscure folk songs.

A beautiful wedding of a haunting melody to the most lyrical of lyrics? A most imaginative addition of the father of the male lover in a lament of a pregnant maiden left without a supporting husband.

Lovely lines:

"When love hung ripe on the rowan tree"

"But time and other dreams took hold - the land grew ill and the sky turned cold
And all the things that make young men old
Must send the wild geese flying"

I just came across this gem accidently yesterday on Muisire's youtube collection. The LP had been given to him by somebody who found it thrown out in a skip.

I know Bonnie sometimes contributes to this forum.

Where are you Bonnie? Hiding away in East Cork. Get into a studio straight away and start recording - you must have material for a number of albums. Or at least re-issue your old vinyl catologue in an up to date medium. Why do you not appear in the Cork Folk Festival any more or why don't you perform sometimes in the city?

p.s. I've no hidden agenda in promoting this most talented harpist and singer. I don't think I've seen Bonnie for 20 years.

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