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GUEST,Ritzmar Origin: lyrics to Colonel Bogey (74* d) RE: Origin: lyrics to Colonel Bogey 05 Oct 13

When I was a kid (I am now 67) we had an old 10" 78 gramophone record, beautifully sung in harmony, but by whom I do not know. But from around 55-60 years ago, I remember:

Hitler, We're marching on your tail
Hitler, no wonder you turn pale
Look out, let's get your book out
For you will need it to read it in jail, (just before they hang you)
Hitler, although it may sound harsh
Britain will pull your darned moustache
Villain, whose name is Hitler
You'll be much littler
Before we are through

and another verse, later in the song:

Hitler, we're going to see it through
Hitler, this is the end for you
Goering, the lion's roaring
And Ribentropp, we wil topple him too (like the other nasties)
Hitler, remember Kaiser Bill
Hitler you'd better make your will
Hitler . . . (sorry, cannot remember this line!)
This is your blot-out, so Hitler, you're through!

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