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Dave Earl Sidmouth campsite to move? (74* d) RE: Sidmouth campsite to move? 02 Nov 13


I accept that segregation of people with mobility issues is not a thing to be recommended for all the reasons you give. I'm not trying to set myself up as an "Expert" but I am a user of the "Equal Access" facilities as those of you who I have met will know.

The problem I have had in the past is not with "facilities" as provided', they have been excellent in themselves but I think they were sited in the wrong place. Halfway down the sloping field with an uneven surface to walk over or use a wheelchair/scooter on seems to me to be far from ideal. I have mentioned this to the campsite infrastructure people at the festival for the past few years. They say that the facilities have to be where they are because the water, drainage and power input points are in that part of the site.

At this point in time we don't know how the services are going to be provided on the new site so what I was asking for was cosultation as to where the camping /camper/ caravan area(s) are to be sited in relation to "Equal Access" loos and showers wherever such things get sited. Didn't I see somewhere that the Scouts have put a HQ building of some sort nearby. I imagine that will have all the services so tapping into those may be a possibility

I understand that the new site is more level than the Bulverton field so I'm expecting not to meet the difficulties experienced in recent years on the Bulverton site.


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