Well guys if you go to Maine you certainly won't see anything like a war zone but if you go to Detroit it would be hard to believe you are in the same country ... they're are certainly other cities in the U.S. that have violent neighbourhoods, that ones you would not want to wander into ... you would be be shocked to see fields with crosses for each person murdered in the U.S., but there is no such visible eveidence ... as per that wall .. well the one built by the U.S.A ... it is a feeble attempt to keep the the world's poor out of the country ... you know, the ones that take jobs that a gringo won't even think of working at ... and I should mention all those fears expressed on this thread about getting kidnapped and shot ... well that is a sense of paranoia of fueled by the mainstream media, to a somewhat already paranoid nation ... I certainly would not be afraid to venture through the U.S. even though there are those that would say stay out of malls and cinemas because you might get shot by some crazed gunman armed to the teeth with assault rifles ... come on kids ... there are a lot of places in a lot of countries were one shouldn't venture into, but there a a lot places in those countries that are not dangerous, and abound with magnificent beauty and culture. Before you go pointing fingers at others people's backyards, take a look at your own first. I have plenty of pictures from Maine, but I don't have any of Detroit ... ;) biLL