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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,BrendanB Shirley Collins - can she sing? (196* d) RE: Shirley Collins - can she sing? 24 Nov 13

I entirely agree with Vic Smith's reaction, the posts to which he was responding were puerile and offensive.
Anthems in Eden, (Shirley and Dolly Collins) is, in my opinion, one of the definitive albums of English folk music. Of course there are people who will not like it. Their response is entirely subjective - just as mine is. Millions of people revere Morrisey and David Bowie, I don't get it but I am not going to say they are wrong, they just like different stuff. I have even met people who actively dislike baroque music - weird thinking to me but there you go.
You cannot tell other people what is good music and what is bad - you can only talk about what you like and what you don't like. I knew that I hated hiphop until I saw the Rizzle Kicks - they're fab! (Mind you, I also loved Moby and Portishead so it was probably only a matter of time.). All this from someone who has a record collection which is at least 70% folk oriented. Like what you like and don't apologise for it. Dislike what you don't like but accept that yours is not the right opinion, it's just your opinion.

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