The demography of Mudcatters (especally in the UK ) leads me to believe that a lot of us are associated with the Grandparents era. I must stress that I don't know this individual - but I have met him on on or two occasions some 40 years ago and honestly have no connections whatsoever with him or the Project I'm going to talk about. Disclaimer made........... Without me giving my family tree and a lot of typing, We have Jessica 15 months - my Son's daughter , and Sam 3 months - my daughters boy. We searched for nursery rhymes to play in the car and at bedtime, and we wanted "tasteful" songs and tunes / accompanyment, but, the market is plagued by plastic sounding stuff often with too much bass etc and little thought of presentation. Never mind ,it was a nice idea to try to find something decent but it obviously doesn't exist. I was then put on the trail by someone..........My Very Favourite Nursery Rhyme Record Tim Hart And Friends CD. I sampled on Google. I got mine on line from Sainsbury £7.99. You wouldn't believe how good , and professional it is, especially with the delightful singing of Maddy Prior amongst others. Apparently it's been around since 1981. There's over 30 tracks so it doesn't screw YOU up as you're driving along - and Jessica and Sam are well pleased - not to mention their Mums and Dads. I stress I have no connection with the product in any direction whatsoever - I'm simply trying to do a good turn for people who may be in a similar quandry as I was.