Nice song, Jim, but I find the idea of someone living in London and fighting for Scottish independence a little confusing. However the idea of sending Dundee-born George Galloway back is a fine one. Scots wha hae wi Wallace bled now harken unto me Vote for independence and reclaim your liberty You'll strike a blow for freedom - yes, you'll set old England free And we can send the bastards back. You sent us Georgie Galloway, the Caledonian clown, You sent us David Cameron and you sent us Gordon Brown And worst of all was Tony Blair, who brought poor Labour down Now we'll send the bastards back. The worst of politicians you've inflicted on us all. Macmillan and MacDonald and more names that do appall That's why we'll take our shovels and we'll rebuild Hadrian's wall Once we've sent the bastards back. Such a shame I can't prove Scottish links to Thatcher, Clegg, Osborne et al ;-)