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OlgaJ The Beverley folk festival FRINGE (91* d) RE: The Beverley folk festival FRINGE 23 Jun 14

Until this year we (Alterego) have camped elsewhere at Beverley and only supported, and thoroughly enjoyed, the Fringe, as we thought Festival prices and camping were a bit on the high side. Steve was invited to play Moonbeams stage this year so we camped at the main festival and couldn't get to the Fringe as we had a prior booking on Saturday (two hour drive each way). We had considered volunteering to do something fringe-wise in future, but reading through the above didn't realise there was so much back-stabbing going on. We've got a lot of friends in Beverley and through the festival and wouldn't like to think we might get slated on mudcat for doing something voluntarily. Everyone complains that there isn't any new blood coming in to 'Folk' and comments like some of the above are not going to encourage it. Most of the sessions we have run at festivals and elsewhere have been well received and if managed properly the 'book- reading amateurs' - your words not mine - get the same chance as everyone else but not necessarily one after the other. As for paid artists doing the odd song at sessions it is to be encouraged as it lifts the standard a bit, so long as they take their turn like everyone else. The only embarrassment comes when a headlining guest appears at a session and we don't recognise them:)

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