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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
blt Help: Aging folkie exploring Portland, OR (38) RE: Help: Aging folkie exploring Portland, OR 27 Dec 00

I'm recycling this thread because I've been doing a bit of digging around for info on folk music and open mikes in Portland and wanted to share: there's the Laurelthirst(on NE Glisan), the Cornelius Pass Roadhouse (off rt. 26 in Hillsboro--bluegrass jam on Monday nights), somebody called Chick Rose who organizes a group guitar/song thing on Wednesday nights (I think it's like a lesson though--it's not really clear)and there's an open mike on Thursday nights at the Touchstone Coffeehouse (which is a women's cafe--men also play at the open mike, but it's predominantly a women's place, and teeny-tiny). I also was given the advice to check out KBOO's Sat. am folk listings at 9:00am.

Other than that, the Willamette Week is helpful--I'm also still interested in meeting folks for a song circle or to just play music, if we can find a suitable day/time/location.


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