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Betsy SweetThames and RecruitedColier (31) RE: SweetThames and RecruitedColier 03 Aug 14

I haven't an association with a Minah Bird but perhaps THAT'S just my ignorance.
But on this theme, I wrote a song - "They don't write 'em like that any more" only to dicover that it was running a close parallel to Manchester Rambler and Sylvias Mother. Chronologically I was in the middle, but it IS unnerving when songs overlap like this .....and one starts to think !!
The parallels are endless especially when one considers the amount of tunes that Mr.Zimmerman borrowed. 'Tis a quare thing this song-writing lark , but we could identify parallel songs ad infinitum .I think it's generally an accidental pitfall, not a malicious intent - at least I hope not.

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