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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bounty Hound What makes a new song a folk song? (1710* d) RE: What makes a new song a folk song? 02 Sep 14

Jim, the origins of the term 'folk' to describe a STYLE of music has it's roots in the word folklaw and IS just a word used to describe music that originates from the tradition of whatever country it is applied to.

What would be really helpful, if you are going to reply to a post is to read it (and perhaps give it some thought) before you reply! You will see that I said that just because something is accompanied by and acoustic guitar it does not necessarily make it 'Folk' as many seem to think, that's where the guitar fits in the context of my post, but either your response was a knee jerk reaction, you did not bother to read and think about it, or you simply feel you have to disagree! Only you know which!

As has been said before, if we all believed the same as you then folk, however you care to define it will die, and we might as well all give up now! However, I'm pleased to say that pe

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