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GUEST,DaveRo BS: Where to buy Ken Burns DVD in San Diego? (4) BS: Where to buy Ken Burns DVD in San Diego? 16 Sep 14

Having watched all 11? hours of Ken Burns Civil War series on PBS in the UK, I wanted to get his series 'Liberty' on DVD. It's not available in the UK; I could import it but that would incur taxes and handling charges (which have gone up a lot since I used to import CDs.) So, since my wife and I were planning a tour of California I thought it would be easy to nip into a store, Barnes and Noble maybe, and pick one up. Not so: spent yesterday walking around San Francisco without finding any such store. Probably you Americans buy from Amazon, just like we do.

Anyway, we're now in Yosemite and won't be in another city till San Diego in a fortnight. Anybody know where I might get it there?

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