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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,sciencegeek BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion (1001* d) RE: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion 23 Sep 14

poor pete finds the evolutionary theory so threatening to his belief in the absolute accuracy and truth of his particular version of Genesis that he can't agree to disagree but feels compelled to argue his case... using examples that he gleans from like minded sources.

to be honest... he is more in danger from random acts of violence conducted by individuals who literally hate any and all christians, along with non christians who seem to be guilty by association. Or has he been so absorbed in his creationist tracts that he has missed the latest threats from the most current batch of rabid zealots...

why not rain on their parade? regale them with those pesky ten commandments... or the parables of Jesus of Nazareth.

for all his conspiracy theory regarding "evolutionists"... there hasn't been a single bombing or beheading attributed to those of us who support evolutionary theory... we don't even stage riots outside the doors of creationist offices. pretty boring folks if you ask me..   we just support open investigation and disclosure of information, regardless of who finds it offensive to their beliefs.

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