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Bounty Hound Guest Nights on the way out (78* d) RE: Guest Nights on the way out 01 Oct 14

Bignige, I'd like to think that the emphasis of Folk21 is the survival of folk clubs as concert venues, rather than to 'enable a few people to make a living' The majority of 'professional' acts you'll see on the club circuit have no illusions about being able to make a living from it.

You are absolutely right that everyone seems to regard themselves as a performer these days, as I said earlier, perhaps something to do with our celebrity obcessed culture these days. We found at The Milkmaid when we used to do 'open' nights, that a lot of these 'performers' don't even want to listen to their peers, never mind pay to see a quality guest, as they would do their spot, then pack up and leave, which I think is simply rude!

Personally, I take a different view, much as I love performing, both in clubs and festival stages, I want to be entertained and fed as well, and unless I'm booked to perform myself, you'll always find me at The Milkmaid on a Friday evening.


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