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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,sciencegeek BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion (1001* d) RE: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion 01 Oct 14

"just had a read about neural pathways on brittanica. it did not even mention evolution, as far as I could see"

and if you read about constructing furniture, it wouldn't discuss Archimedes and the screw... or Newton and gravity in a discussion of how to keep a ladder in place so you don't fall off.

it makes the sometimes unfortunate assumption that the reader has some background knowledge to start from.

you also need to understand that every expert is a layman in other fields that they haven't worked in or studied. if scientific method is honestly employed, then the all the known and relevent facts are investigated. bottom line... cherry picking "facts" in order "prove" a pre-determined outcome is dishonest and unscientific. period... exclamation point...

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