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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,sciencegeek BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion (1001* d) RE: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion 03 Oct 14

"... do you really believe that the person who thought we were made in God's image did not know that we all look different?
Even a blind person can distinguish individuals!"

So if that is the the "literal truth"... why the clinging to a 6 day creation, etc.??? Anyone with an open mind and even a modicum of scientific understanding accepts the evidence of our own eyes/viewing equipment that the universe is billions of years in age and that it took three generations of stars to generate the heavier elements that are needed for life on earth to exist... still waiting for the evidence of extraterrestrial lifeforms...

We can't help it if some folks chose to remain blind... and uninformed. Though we are trying to help you out.

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