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Bounty Hound guest nights and singaround clubs (260* d) RE: guest nights and singaround clubs 20 Oct 14

So how about the old boy the Howard, who pops up from time to time at a singaround near me, who in his day was a competent singer, but now struggles with memory, so does sometimes refer to words, and his voice is old and croaky, obviously there is no chance of encouraging him to improve, should he be denied the opportunity to join in?

I still don't see singarounds as singing to an audience, those participating are there because they choose to go because they want to sing themselves, and only to be 'entertained' in the sense that they are part of the evening, and if the singaround takes place in an open building like a pub, chances are those not there to take part are there in spite of the singaround and not because of it.

I've been singing in the shower for years, good place to learn words for new songs, but I find the instruments tend to get a bit soggy :)


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