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GUEST,sciencegeek BS: Winter Comfort Food (62* d) RE: BS: Winter Comfort Food 30 Oct 14

oh... HiLo... invite me over ...puleeeese

agreed... dark meat has the flavor; I keep thinking about trying cassoulette, but it never happens.

we can get all kinds of sausages out here, but only one guy makes bangers... yum.

one retirement resolution is to start making my own pasta & sausages.

beef & guiness... on my list of things to try

oh, I forgot to add cabbage or kale leaves to my root soup assortment. They help "sweeten/lighten up" the broth. And only salt the broth enough for the vegetables to pick it up and then do the final seasoning at the end.

If you don't use smoked sausage, then adding bay leaf and other herbs are needed to flavor the broth... imo

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