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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,sciencegeek BS: Frack Hydraulic Fracturing gas wells (18) RE: BS: Frack Hydraulic Fracturing gas wells 18 Nov 14

every technology has its good and bad points... my main issue with the way it is handled is this BS about propriatary info regarding the chemical mix they use to inject. You want to inject the environment- you cough up the info... period! It really is not rocket science.

That said, regulators need to closely monitor sites and enforce good management practices... and the way politicians get around that is to cut the funding for monitors, etc.

I would prefer that we put the money into low cost geothermal, wind and solar systems geared for individual homeowners/residential users to get them free of the grid, or at least make up a smaller fraction of energy users.   That is what will reduce our carbon footprint.

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