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GUEST,sciencegeek Pizza in Britain (48) RE: Pizza in Britain 01 Dec 14

Long Island, NY has a pizzaria every few miles down every main road you find... LOL the first Italians from the Naples area that settled in NYC sold pizza on the streets and roasted chestnuts on the street corners in winter. it is thin and chewy and usually just plain cheese. Later I knew a fellow from Rome who started up a place down the street from us and his calzones were tremendous, but his pizza had a crispy crust not to my taste.

He also made great "heros"... warm slender loaves filled with fresh ingredients... yum. The only place I ever had tender sliced potatoes scrambled up with eggs as a sandwich. Dad always sauted frying peppers and onions and then added the eggs... served in a hero roll... makes a great meal!

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