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GUEST,Mr Red Tech: cd failure (11) RE: Tech: cd failure 06 Dec 14

If it isn't scratches or dirt on the surface then you have to consider the very real possibility of end of life.
When CD's were the latest thing they worked for as long as 5 years and keeled over - Sony & Philips investigated and found the ink used to print the pretties was acidic (or caustic) and the varnish/layer protecting the aluminium was porous.
They sorted that out until CD-R became a commodity priced disposable. When all the clever Chinese (et al) cut so many corners and didn't know the problem. Neither did the public until - 5 years down the line - bits fell off.

So how long have you had the CD?

Is it a home-burned jobbie?

And who actually made the CD? - the hardware not the copyrighted stuff.

Copying on a PC will sort of work, but the best is to Rip (in Windows Media Player eg) each track and retrieve as much as you can. Then put the MP3 (WMP can be made to SaveAs MP3). Then put the tracks in your smart phone etc.

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