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GUEST,sciencegeek BS: Make Amazon pay its workers (18) RE: BS: Make Amazon pay its workers 16 Dec 14

while Reagan (who had served as HIS union's president) was working to destroy the air traffice controller's union, I had the unpleasant expeerience of working as a cashier for a large discount retail store. One that swore they'd close their doors before allowing their employees to unionize.

Eight hours a day with a short break and lunch, stuck standing on a linoleum covered concrete floor with the outside door openning and closing constantly so you got the full blast of weather each time.

We had to clock in at the back of the store, so if my replacement was late, I had to stay at my register until relieved and then hurry back to clock out. Then headquarter's management would have a fit because I racked up maybe 15 to 30 minutes of "shudder" overtime a week.

This is the mentality of retail business... the customer is always right, even when they are trying to switch price tags - these gals drove up in Caddys and other upscale cars- or their little darlings were busy destroying merchanidise while they chatted with their friends. But heaven forbid the folks who run their tores for them should be treated with respect and provided with benefits. If they weren't mandated to pay into social security or medicare, they'd screw their employees even more. As it was, they barely paid higher than minimum wage. Where the heck is a new "Charles Dickens"?

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