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GUEST,sciencegeek BS: Favourite Ethnic recipes (51* d) RE: BS: Favourite Ethnic recipes 03 Mar 15

went downstate ... meaning much closer to New York City... and located some canned scungilli (conch or welk meat - honking big marine snails to the rest of the world).

those of us who live near the ocean have a love affair with shellfish and Italians take it to the next level... lol

in addition to clams, mussels, scallops, or your crustacian of choice, those from the Mediterraean regions love various members of the mollusk family... calamari, cuttlefish, octopus and conch. Abalone if you can afford it, though the conch was not too far behind. uhmmm... wonder if I can get away with using conch in Chinese abalone soup??? worth a try.

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