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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,sciencegeek BS: Growing an Above-Ground Garden (72* d) RE: BS: Growing an Above-Ground Garden 18 Mar 15

Steve, any particular reason why you don't care for shavings or chips?

I find that its slower breakdown helps keep my tilth OK in the heavy soils we have... plenty of nitrogen with the manure & urine, so no shortage there for the crops. I use wood shavings & chips in the pathways that is then put into the beds later on.

waste not want not :)

my favorite way to "compost" is to put everything in the pen with the pigs... theirs too... then move the pen and add a thick layer of shavings mixed with leaves/old hay & plant potatoes... keep adding mulch as the plants grow. rotation at its finest lol

seaweed is good for adding micro nutrients

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