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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Musket BS: LOTRO Anyone? (19) RE: BS: LOTRO Anyone? 12 Jun 15

I remember on the old BBC model B, when adventure games were typing in instructions such as "go in room" and the computer saying "it is locked" and you saying "break down door" and the computer saying "you can't do that."

Turning it off and going for a pint tensed to be the best way of ending.

Today's multimedia role play is far better of course but lacks the use of your imagination. Some friends tried getting me into Dungeons and Dragons on the same basis. The twenty sided dice approach did let your imagination run a bit and I could see the attraction.

But if all the graphics etc are there for you? Genuine question. Despite being IT led and indeed setting up and running a company building PCs (originally PLC automation for our other products but box building became lucrative for a while) I never really got into games. Conversely my 31 year old son has just bought a new Sony Playstation.

Mind you, I do enjoy slaying the odd orc here on Mudcat.....

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