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Musket BS: Unfit for SCOTUS (335* d) RE: BS: Unfit for SCOTUS 12 Jun 15

Mind you, growling is one thing.....

The demonstrable existence of a Higgs Boson does indeed show that things can "create" and indeed the present thinking is that the big bang was indeed such an event.

Sadly for the likes of Goofus, it merely shows that you don't actually need a god. Nothing can have created the big bang because conscious thought requires a before, and it has been quite comprehensively demonstrated that there cannot have been a before.

Mind you, there was certainly a "before" biblical stories. A good few billion years of it.

pete. There is a difference between demonstrating microbe to man and having the capacity to accept the principle.

Let there be light eh? Chance would be a fine thing.

Most people of faith realise the difference between faith and literal belief. Those of faith have the intelligence to note the difference.

Even Kryton had faith in Android heaven. 😇

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