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zozimus Lyr Add: Peelers of Ballinamore (12) RE: Lyr Add: Peelers of Ballinamore 16 Jul 15

In the notes with CD, A toper is a tippler, a guy who is fond of drink,   in this case a ballad singer who will sing for drink. He is surprised that the peelers have "stopped toleration", and see being drunk as an offence.In verse 2 "pop" and "shop" are correct
verse 3 "And I cared not a damn for those poor bitter peelers"
verse 5 "Which caused me to curse John Briggs and his Lodgings"
verse 6 "They all take a drop for to banish all care
         Now I'm circumvatin' round this Irish nation"
Ages ago I asked Len Graham could I have this song and he said "No problem, I'm finished with it"

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