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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,John Golightly Whitby 2015 - best places. (120* d) RE: Whitby 2015 - best places. 22 Jul 15

Help please.

I am pretty much a newcomer to Whitby (this will be my 2nd visit and the first was a long while ago). For my wife Susie - the first time.

I've read this thread with great interest - although it has wandered a lot!

I only have a few days there; I don't know the pubs. or indeed the types of session one would expect to find in them. I play melodeon.

I'm looking for English Sessions but don't mind at all if mixed with song - but most of all:

The kind of session where musicians listen to each other. I want to hear and learn from others. If someone has found a different way of playing an old and well-known tune it would be great If I could hear it through before it's drowned out by others who hear the tune, and ignore the interpretation.

Where's the best chance of finding a polite/sensitive session in Whitby?

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