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Musket BS: Politics: UK Labour leadership election (225* d) RE: BS: Politics: UK Labour leadership election 09 Aug 15

Nothing complex at all Fred.

We live in a democracy. Not a perfect version granted, but nearer to perfect than any alternative.

Therefore terrorism isn't justified, necessary or anything other than simple criminal acts that society roundly rejects.

Further up the thread, it was mentioned that he stuttered on Irish republican terrorism in an interview. Absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with anything. Corbyn feels the same way as I do about seeing grieving families in cemeteries.

There is enough reality with which to dismiss him and his unfitness for high office without resorting to dragging up any past comments misconstrued.

Funny how right wing Tory voters are paying their money and waiting for ballot papers. I'm not a member of any political party but if the aim is to serve your country to the best of your ability, Alan Johnson wants fucking for not putting himself forward. There would be none of this distracting sideshow and the clowns can be back in their tent rehearsing throwing custard pies.

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