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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Musket BS: Danger Food (39) RE: BS: Danger Food 23 Aug 15

Funny that McDeath coffee is being mentioned. By weird coincidence last night, someone mentioned that it is just about drinkable, largely because they use Nescafé in their "restaurants."

It does beggar the question, why were adults in there in the first place, but to be fair, I did go in one a few times many years ago as a treat for my children whose friends tended to go in. Once or twice a year isn't going to kill you, and lifestyle pressure means kids will want to go. I genuinely cannot see why people on here are moaning about types of food yet walk into these places with the intention to actually eat the stuff. I recall sitting with a coffee of some description whilst they ate a greasy burger and American style fries. Made me wonder where our good home cooking and taking them to nice restaurants failed.

To be fair, my eldest has the exact same attitude with my granddaughter.

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