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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Judy 2016 Obit: Gren Morris (Nottingham/Leicestershire) (15) RE: 2016 Obit: Gren Morris (Nottingham/Leicestershire) 16 Feb 16

Song for Gren

We shall think of you in song
Under Easter rains we'll return again
To the tunes where you belong

We never heard you softly enter
Through the chambers of our heart
Quiet and gentle Gren in a class apart

A music man, a folk made man
We wove a fabric with you there
Our Easter coat of many colours
Richly woven threaded tight

And you were always justly proud
Of all our children's growing skills
They were your Easter children
Growing up with songs and light

We never heard you softly enter
Through the chambers of our heart
But we shall hear the silence
of your passing
Like a shout across the hills
Our Easter friend, our Easter kin
We miss you Gren and always will

We never heard you softly enter
Through the chambers of our heart
But we will remember you are leaving
All the Easters yet to pass

We shall think of you in song
Under Easter rains we'll return again
To the tunes where you belong

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