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matt milton right-wing 'folk' (44) RE: right-wing 'folk' 11 May 16

I was really only making the point that Peter Bellamy's politics – whatever they were – are undetectable within his recorded output.

His politics are not embedded in his songs (unlike Ewan MacColl's or Pete Seeger's).

I listened to Bellamy albums for many years before I knew anything about him as a person and I never heard anything that suggested any particular political persuasion in them.

I'm drawing a distinction between folk singers whose politics are immediately identifiable within the songs they sing; and folk singers whose politics we happen to know about via conversations with them or interviews.

I don't think a folksinger whose actual songs espoused for Conservative (capital C) or right-wing views - the way MacColl's do for the left – would have lasted very long on the UK folk scene.

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