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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,LynnH Repeating the first verse at the end (142* d) RE: Repeating the first verse at the end 13 Jun 16

@Chris Lamb: You could try doing what some of the old singers used to do - instead of singing the last line or phrase you speak it. How much emphasis you give the spoken line depends upon the song in question.

Apart from that, you're the singer and how you choose to sing the song is your affair. If the audience apparently suffers from closed mind syndrome......that's their problem!

@Jim: I have memories of trying to sing 'Fathom the Bowl' a tad quicker and with a bit more 'swing' than everybody else. When I got to the chorus it was like running into a sand drag or moving from firm ground to loose gravel - the audience stood on the brakes with a vengeance!

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