D&D Basics:
Name: Tycho O'Rourke
Gender: Male
Preferred race: Human
Preferred role: Thief
Alignment - Neutral
Detail & Description:
Tycho is short, clean shaven, valley-born but neutral by virtue of his "trade". Tycho is "in commerce". He owns a mule, (Rufus), who he lavishes care upon. Tycho knows routes into and out of the valley that most others aren't aware of. Tycho is a reasonably accomplished swordsman and has no problem with backstabbing, either physically or politically. By habit he wears quality clothes and is always aware of his personal appearance. He frowns on any activity he deems "bad for trade".
Common phrases:
"I'll only say this once."
"You have a problem with this ?"
"Business is the life-blood of the community."
"Perhaps I could be of assistance in this matter ?"